Qiang Zhang (张 强)

Email: qzhang95@dlmu.edu.cn
Xinghai Associate Professor, Ph.D

Dalian Maritime University (大连海事大学)
Information Science and Technology College (信息科学技术学院)
Department of Computer Science and Technology (计算机科学与技术系)

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Location: Jidian Building-501, Linghai Road #1, Ganjingzi, Dalian, Liaoning, China
Experience | Publications | Fundings | Teaching | Students | Services | Resources | Awards


张强,1995年生,辽宁大连人,大连海事大学信息科学技术学院兴海副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为遥感信息处理、计算机视觉与机器学习。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目、遥感科学国家重点实验室开放基金、中央高校基本科研业务费等科研项目。在国内外期刊和会议上共发表学术论文30余篇,其中以第一及通讯作者在IEEE TIP、IEEE TNNLS、IEEE TGRS、ISPRS P&RS、ESSD、JAG等图像处理/遥感/机器学习/地学领域的顶级期刊上发表SCI论文18篇,含ESI热点论文1篇,ESI高被引论文6篇。谷歌学术总引用1900余次,单篇一作最高被引400余次。担任Remote Sensing期刊客座编辑、国际地学与遥感大会IGARSS分会场主席,以及20余个国际期刊审稿人。先后荣获李小文遥感科学青年奖、武汉大学“研究生学术创新奖”特等奖(校长奖)、王之卓创新人才特等奖、大连市高层次人才青年才俊等奖项荣誉。


  • 学硕:➽ 计算机科学与技术 (081200)、➽ 软件工程 (083500), 注:学硕与专硕的考研专业课程均为计算机专业基础综合 (408)
  • 专硕:➽ 计算机技术 (085404)、➽ 软件工程 (085405)、➽ 人工智能 (085410)、➽ 大数据技术与工程 (085411)
  • 夏令营优秀营员:推免生可直接录取/考研生可优先录取,由于夏令营的入营名额有限,请提前联系本人
  • 大学生创新创业训练计划:对科研有较大的兴趣, 自我驱动能力较强, 有一定的数学与编程基础

  • 专刊征稿:Remote Sensing (IF=4.2,中科院二区),Special Issue: Trends and Prospects in Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images Processing and Analysis,截止时间:2025年2月26日,敬请各位老师和专家赐稿!


    Research Topic


    Work Experience:

    Education Experience:

    Publications [Citations: 1900+]

    Journals: (* denotes the Corresponding Author)

      [28] Q. Zhang, Y. Zheng, Q. Yuan, M. Song, H. Yu, and Y. Xiao, “Hyperspectral image denoising: From model-driven, data-driven, to model-data-driven,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 13143-13163, 2024. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=, ESI Highly Cited Paper) [Link] [PDF] [Dataset] [BibTeX]

      [27] Q. Zhang, Y. Dong, Y. Zheng, H. Yu, M. Song, L. Zhang, and Q. Yuan, “Three-dimension spatial-spectral attention transformer for hyperspectral image denoising,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), vol.62, pp. 1-13, 2024. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [Code] [BibTeX]

      [26] L. Li, Q. Zhang*, M. Song, and Chein-I Chang, “Feedback band group and variation low rank sparse model for hyperspectral image anomaly detection,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), vol.62, pp. 1-19, 2024. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [BibTeX]

      [25] C. Yu, M. Xu, Q. Zhang*, and X. Lu, “Dual intervention constrained mask-adversary framework for unsupervised domain adaptation of hyperspectral image classification,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL), vol. 21, pp. 1-5, 2024. (SCI Q2, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [Code] [BibTeX]

      [24] C. Yu, H. Li, Y. Hu, Q. Zhang*, M. Song, and Y. Wang, “Frequency-temporal attention network for remote sensing imagery change detection,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL), vol. 21, pp. 1-5, 2024. (SCI Q2, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [Code] [BibTeX]

      [23] L. Li, M. Song, Q. Zhang*, and Y. Dong, “Hyperspectral denoising via global variation and local structure low-rank model,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), vol. 61, pp. 1-14, 2023. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [BibTeX]

      [22] Q. Zhang, J. Zhu, Y. Huang, Q. Yuan, and L. Zhang, “Beyond being wise after the event: Combining spatial, temporal and spectral information for Himawari-8 early-stage wildfire detection,” International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (JAG), vol. 124, 103506, 2023. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [BibTeX]

      [21] Q. Zhang, Y. Dong, Q. Yuan, M. Song, and H. Yu, “Combined deep priors with low-rank tensor factorization for hyperspectral image restoration,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL), vol. 20, pp. 1-5, 2023. (SCI Q2, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [Dataset] [BibTeX]

      [20] Q. Zhang, Q. Yuan, M. Song, H. Yu, and L. Zhang, “Cooperated spectral low-rankness prior and deep spatial prior for HSI unsupervised denoising,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), vol. 31, pp. 6356-6368, 2022. (CCF-A, SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [News] [Link] [PDF] [Dataset] [BibTeX]

      [19] Q. Zhang, Q. Yuan, T. Jin, M. Song, and F. Sun, “SGD-SM 2.0: an improved seamless global daily soil moisture long-term dataset from 2002 to 2022,” Earth System Science Data (ESSD), vol. 14, pp. 4473–4488, 2022. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [Dataset] [Code] [BibTeX]

      [18] Q. Zhang, Q. Yuan, J. Li, Y. Wang, F. Sun, and L. Zhang, “Generating seamless global daily AMSR2 soil moisture (SGD-SM) long-term products for the years 2013-2019,” Earth System Science Data (ESSD), vol. 13, pp. 1385-1401, 2021. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [Project] [Dataset] [Code] [BibTeX]

      [17] Q. Zhang, Q. Yuan, Z. Li, F. Sun, and L. Zhang, “Combined deep prior with low-rank tensor SVD for thick cloud removal in multitemporal images,” ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS P&RS), vol. 177, pp. 161-173, 2021. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [Dataset] [BibTeX]

      [16] Q. Zhang, Q. Yuan, J. Li, F. Sun, and L. Zhang, “Deep spatio-spectral Bayesian posterior for hyperspectral image non-i.i.d. noise removal,” ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS P&RS), vol. 164, pp. 125-137, 2020. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [Dataset] [BibTeX]

      [15] Q. Zhang, Q. Yuan, J. Li, Z. Li, H. Shen, and L. Zhang, “Thick cloud and cloud shadow removal in multitemporal images using progressively spatio-temporal patch group deep learning,” ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS P&RS), vol. 162, pp. 148-160, 2020. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [Code] [Dataset] [BibTeX] [Citations: 100+]

      [14] Q. Zhang, Q. Yuan, J. Li, X. Liu, H. Shen, and L. Zhang, “Hybrid noise removal in hyperspectral imagery with spatial-spectral gradient network,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), vol. 57, no. 10, pp. 7317-7329, 2019. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [Dataset] [BibTeX] [Citations: 100+]

      [13] Q. Zhang, Q. Yuan, C. Zeng, X. Li, and Y. Wei, “Missing data reconstruction in remote sensing image with a unified spatial-temporal-spectral deep convolutional neural network,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), vol. 56, no. 8, pp. 4274-4288, 2018. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=, ESI Highly Cited Paper) [Link] [PDF] [Code] [BibTeX] [Citations: 400+]

      [12] Q. Zhang, Q. Yuan, J. Li, Z. Yang, and X. Ma, “Learning a dilated residual network for SAR image despeckling,” Remote Sensing (RS), vol. 10, no. 2, 196, 2018. (SCI Q2, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [BibTeX] [Citations: 200+]

      [11] Q. Yuan, Q. Zhang, J. Li, H. Shen, and L. Zhang, “Hyperspectral image denoising employing a spatial-spectral deep residual convolutional neural network,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 1205-1218, 2019. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=, ESI Highly Cited Paper) [Link] [PDF] [Code] [Dataset] [BibTeX] [Citations: 400+]

      [10] L. Li, M. Song, Q. Zhang, Y. Dong, Y. Wang, and Q. Yuan, “Local extremum constrained total variation model for natural and hyperspectral image non-blind deblurring,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), vol. 61, pp. 1-16, 2024. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [BibTeX]

      [09] Y. Xiao, Q. Yuan, K. Jiang, Y. Chen, Q. Zhang, and CW. Lin, “frequency-assisted mamba for remote sensing image super-resolution,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), vol. 26, pp. 1-13, 2024. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [Code] [BibTeX]

      [08] C. Yu, Y. Zhu, M. Song, Y. Wang, and Q. Zhang, “Unseen feature extraction: Spatial mapping expansion with spectral compression network for hyperspectral image classification,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), vol. 62, pp. 1-14, 2024. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [BibTeX]

      [07] W. Zhang, Z. li, G. Li, P. Zhuang, G. Hou, Q. Zhang, and C. Li, “GACNet: Generate adversarial-driven cross-aware network for hyperspectral wheat variety identification,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), vol. 62, pp. 1-15, 2024. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=, ESI Hot Paper, ESI Highly Cited Paper) [Link] [PDF] [BibTeX]

      [06] E. Zhao, N. Qu, Y. Wang, C. Gao, S. Duan, J. Zeng, and Q. Zhang, “Thermal infrared hyperspectral band selection via graph neural network for land surface temperature retrieval,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), vol. 62, pp. 1-15, 2024. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [BibTeX]

      [05] Y. Xiao, Q. Yuan, Q. Zhang, and L. Zhang, “Deep blind super-resolution for satellite video,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), vol. 61, pp. 1-16, 2023. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=, ESI Highly Cited Paper) [Link] [PDF] [Code] [BibTeX]

      [04] H. Yang, H. Yu, K. Zheng, J. Hu, T. Tao, and Q. Zhang, “Hyperspectral image classification based on interactive transformer and CNN with multilevel feature fusion network,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL), vol. 20, pp. 1-5, 2023. (SCI Q2, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [BibTeX]

      [03] Y. Xiao, Q. Yuan, J. He, Q. Zhang, J. Sun, X. Su, J. Wu and L. Zhang, “Space-time super-resolution for satellite video: A joint framework based on multi-scale spatial-temporal transformer,” International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (JAG), vol. 108, 102731, 2022. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=, ESI Highly Cited Paper) [Link] [PDF] [Code] [BibTeX]

      [02] W. Zhang, Z. Li, H. Sun, Q. Zhang, P. Zhuang, and C. Li, “SSTNet: Spatial, spectral, and texture aware attention network using hyperspectral image for corn variety identification,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL), vol. 19, pp. 1-5, 2022. (SCI Q2, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [BibTeX]

      [01] J. Lin, T. Huang, X. Zhao, Y. Chen, Q. Zhang, and Q. Yuan, “Robust thick cloud removal for multi-temporal remote sensing images using coupled tensor factorization,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), vol. 60, pp. 1-16, 2022. (SCI Q1 Top, IF=) [Link] [PDF] [BibTeX]


      [08] J. Zhu, Q. Zhang*, and Y. Zheng, “Forest early wildfire detection via multi-source and multi-type information fusion,” Proceeding of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), in Athens, Greece, 2024. (EI, Poster)

      [07] Q. Zhang, and J. Zhu, “Early wildfire detection based on temporal, spatial and spectral information fusion,” Proceeding of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), in Pasadena, USA, 2023. (EI, Poster)

      [06] Q. Zhang, F. Sun, Q. Yuan, and L. Zhang, “Thick cloud removal for Sentinel-2 time-series images via combining deep prior and low-rank tensor completion,” Proceeding of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), in Brussels, Belgium, pp. 2675-2678, 2021. (EI, Oral) [Slides]

      [05] Q. Zhang, F. Sun, Q. Yuan, J. Li, H. Shen, and L. Zhang, “Combined the data-driven with model-driven stragegy: A novel framework for mixed noise removal in hyperspectral image,” Proceeding of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), in Hawaii, USA, pp. 2667-2670, 2020. (EI, Oral) [Slides]

      [04] Q. Zhang, Q. Yuan, J. Li, H. Shen, and L. Zhang, “Cloud and shadow removal for Sentinel-2 by progressively spatiotemporal patch group learning,” Proceeding of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), in Yakohama, Japan, pp. 775-778, 2019. (EI, Oral) [Slides]

      [03] Q. Zhang, Q. Yuan, H. Shen, and L. Zhang, “A unified spatial-temporal-spectral learning framework for reconstructing missing data in remote sensing images,” Proceeding of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), in Valencia, Spain, pp. 4981-4984, 2018. (EI, Poster) [Slides]

      [02] Y. Zhu, C. Yu, M. Song, Y. Wang, E. Zhao, H. Yu, and Q. Zhang, “Center category focusing transformer network for hyperspectral image classification,” Proceeding of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), in Athens, Greece, 2024. (EI, Poster)

      [01] Y. Yang, Y. Wang, E. Zhao, M. Song, and Q. Zhang, “A SWIN transformer-based fusion approach for hyperspectral image super-resolution,” Proceeding of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), in Pasadena, USA, 2023. (EI, Poster)


    • 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 数模联合驱动的国产高光谱卫星影像混合噪声去除方法研究, 62401095, 2025.01-2027.12, 主持
    • 中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 联合时-空-谱一体化信息的遥感影像去云方法研究, 2023M740460, 2024.01-2025.12, 主持
    • 遥感科学国家重点实验室开放基金, 高光谱遥感影像自监督去噪方法研究, OFSLRSS202301, 2023.08-2025.07, 主持
    • 中央高校基本科研业务费, 面向全天候任务的多源遥感信息融合方法研究, 3132024262, 2024.01-2024.12, 主持
    • 中央高校基本科研业务费, 遥感高时-空-谱一体化信息融合方法研究, 3132023262, 2023.01-2023.12, 主持
    • 大连海事大学人才启动经费, “兴海副教授”高层次引进人才项目, 02500363, 2022.07-2025.07, 主持



    • 《离散数学》, 2023-2024学年第2学期, 第1-16周, 64学时 (课件)
    • 《离散数学》, 2022-2023学年第2学期, 第1-16周, 64学时


    • 2022级硕士生:郑亚明 (TNNLS 1篇, 招商轮船奖学金)、朱健 (JAG 1篇)、董羽帅 (TGRS、GRSL各1篇)
    • 2023级硕士生:刘子枫王琪张显鹏
    • 2024级硕士生:谢宏杰张宝墨高文静刘博
    • 2025级硕士生:报名招生中...


    Editorial Board:

    Conference Organization:

    • 2023年全国热红外遥感大会, 组织委员会委员
    • IGARSS 2021, Session Chair (Session: Image Restoration)


    • IEEE, Member
    • 中国图象图形学学会, 会员
    • 中国图象图形学学会遥感图像专业委员会, 委员

    Journal Reviewer:

    • International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)
    • Information Fusion (INF FUS)
    • Remote Sensing of Environment (RSE)
    • ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS P&RS)
    • IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP)
    • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII)
    • IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS)
    • IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)
    • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT)
    • IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (TETCI)
    • IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTARS)
    • IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL)
    • IEEE Access
    • Sensors
    • Remote Sensing
    • Climatic Change
    • Neurocomputing
    • Electronics Letters
    • Analytical Methods
    • IET Image Processing
    • Imaging Science Journal
    • Evolutionary Intelligence
    • Science of Remote Sensing
    • Chinese Journal of Electronics
    • Geo-Spatial Information Science
    • Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
    • Computers and Electrical Engineering
    • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing




    • SGD-SST (Coming Soon!)
    • SGD-SM V2.0 (Dataset)
    • SGD-SM V1.0 (Dataset)
    • HSI Denoising Dataset V2.0 (Dataset)
    • HSI Denoising Dataset V1.0 (Dataset)
    • Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Cloud Detection and Removal Dataset V1.0 (Dataset)


    • 2023, "Zhaoshanglunchuan" Scholarship for graduate student Yaming Zheng, DMU | 指导硕士生郑亚明获“招商轮船”奖学金
    • 2023, Young Talent of Dalian High-level Talent | 大连市高层次人才青年才俊
    • 2022, "Xinghai" High-level Talent, DMU | 大连海事大学“兴海”高层次人才
    • 2022, Top-Ten Distinguished Youth Student, WHU | 武汉大学十大杰出青年 (学生)
    • 2022, Outstanding Graduate Student, WHU | 武汉大学优秀毕业研究生
    • 2021, Li Xiaowen Remote Sensing Youth Scholar Prize | 李小文遥感科学青年奖
    • 2021, National Scholarship for Graduate Student, Ministry of Education | 博士研究生国家奖学金
    • 2021, Outstanding Report Prize of the Sixth Symposium on WHISPERS-NG| 全国成像光谱对地观测研讨会优秀报告奖
    • 2021, First Prize of Academic Scholarship, WHU | 武汉大学学业奖学金一等奖
    • 2021, The Model of Outstanding Graduate Student, WHU | 武汉大学优秀研究生标兵
    • 2020, Graduate Academic Innovation Outstanding Prize, WHU | 武汉大学“研究生学术创新奖”特等奖 (校长奖)
    • 2020, Outstanding Prize of "Wang Zhizhuo Innovation Talent", WHU | “王之卓创新人才奖”特等奖
    • 2020, The Star of Self-improvement in Chinese College Students | 中国大学生自强之星
    • 2020, The Model Star of Self-improvement in Hubei's College Students | 湖北省大学生自强之星标兵
    • 2020, First Prize of Academic Scholarship, WHU | 武汉大学学业奖学金一等奖
    • 2020, Outstanding Graduate Student, WHU | 武汉大学优秀研究生
    • 2019, Top-Ten Graduate Inspirational Star, WHU | 武汉大学研究生“十大励志之星”
    • 2019, Guanghua Scholarship, WHU | 武汉大学光华奖学金
    • 2018, National Scholarship for Graduate Student, Ministry of Education | 硕士研究生国家奖学金
    • 2018, First Prize of Academic Scholarship, WHU | 武汉大学学业奖学金一等奖
    • 2018, Academic Star with "Yaoqun", School of Geodesy and Geomatics, WHU | 测绘学院“乐群”学术之星
    • 2017, Outstanding Undergraduate, WHU | 武汉大学优秀本科毕业生
    • 2015, National Encouragement Scholarship, Ministry of Education | 国家励志奖学金